Day: December 16, 2012

Guild Wars 2

New Fancy Winter Apparel

Available now in the Gem Store! These special Wintersday items will only be available until January 3, 2013, so don’t delay! Just press “O” to access the Gem Store. From all of us here at the Black Lion Trading Company: happy Wintersday! Here at the Black Lion Trading Company, we’ve decked our halls and stocked […]

Guild Wars 2

GW2 skill challenges directly damage

Engineers can serve as either immediate direct damage or they can play the condition damage of a battle. For these two types of warfare they use 3 types of weaponry: Weapons/Kits, Turrets and Elixirs. For the weapons, Engineers only have 3 types they can actually use (Rifle, Pistols and Shield) making then somewhat un-appealing to […]

Guild Wars 2

Guildwars2 world activities Features

Dolyak Travel Across Map/ Defending traveling packages: Dolyaks can be spotted on the map although if you don’t make a dash for them they will slowly wobble their way away from you. This pack carrying creatures carry the supply most points require to stand firm from invasion. Since they are a passive mob they will […]

Guild Wars 2

The Guild Wars 2 Control Guide

Continuing on, there is no such thing as healers in GW2, at least dedicated ones. Furthermore, the lack of great and effective target heals makes it kind of pointless. Because of this, if you still go for a dedicated support build, then you’re going to be going a buff/debuff build type thing. Even if you […]

Guild Wars 2

Distributing damage is different In GW2

In GW2, tanking is now more of an active activity. Instead of using skills to dodge, for example, you actually have to dodge realtime. Taunting also becomes a thing of the past, making it vital for every class to have some sustainability in order to mitigate some damage, and take care of themselves. Movement CCI-Chill, […]

Guild Wars 2

Win the race to provide a greater return

There are a total of 9 tournament ranks currently named with each rank providing varying rewards based on the chest you open, bronze, silver or gold.  All players start at Rabbit rank and will eventually (with countless hours of play and every 10 levels) work their way towards Dragon rank.  The only reward types that […]

Guild Wars 2

Guildwars2 skill recharge Tips

 Chilled- Reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 66%. Stacks in duration. Chilled functions similarly to Crippled (see below) but could be considered its stronger counterpart.  Rangers, Elementalists and Necromancers all excel at causing Chill while the Engineer through their use of Freeze Grenade can also cause it. Its ability to slow players by 66% […]

Guild Wars 2

Experience Tips in GW2

The experience becomes much more rewarding after level 10, since it’s quicker to get through that first part doing the events after the tutorial and your personal story, plus you snag some gear and get your skill unlocks, weapon sets sorted out. After that though, WvW is very inviting, even if you are level 10 […]

Guild Wars 2

Guildwars2 game tips

The main point where players gravitate in Niflhel is the “shared” area between both bases, near the beach.  As tempting as it is to jump down from your base to fight the masses (the westerly exit for the Red team and Easterly exit for the Blue team) you’ll be sure to lose if you get […]

Guild Wars 2

The bulk of your crafting materials in GW2

Newly created characters in Guild Wars 2 are able to begin crafting immediately following the brief intro instance for each race, though you may want to wait until you’ve got at least a few levels under your belt before diving in. As you’ll learn in this guide, this is due to needing some materials to […]