Guild Wars 2 Free Server Transfers promised

Are you are not sure which server you want to play Guild Wars 2? No problem: In the first phase you are allowed to move in vain. How long the offer is valid and any other important information about the Exchange Server you can find out here.

Once on her 28th August, the first time playing Guild Wars 2 power leveling, you have to of course you opt for a server. By default, the MMO in this case has a total of two servers: a North American for the U.S., Canada and Mexico, as well as a European for Western and Eastern Europe. Players from other countries are connected to the North American servers. Each server is divided into a number of different worlds, in which you can play.

Do you want to now but not in a world play on your home server, so you can change this at any time after its launch – and at no additional cost. The official blog about Guild Wars 2 Gold, the makers revealed now that the server transfer will initially be free and you can also change as often as you like. Once the server numbers have stabilized in Guild Wars 2, the transfer is only limited to once a week. In addition, you must pay a certain set of gems, depending on the size of the world in which you want to change.

An alternative to a complete change is the option to play as a guest on the other server. However, there are two downside for the Cheap GW2 Gold Player: Firstly you can not come to World vs. World attend, and on the other you have to give up some perks.