Elementalists can rain death from the ramparts

There are only four weapons in the elementalist arsenal, one two-handed weapon (staff), dual-wield (dagger/dagger), main-hand (dagger, scepter), and off-hand (focus). There is no in-combat weapon set switching either, like every other profession. Instead, each weapon has four sets of skills that are attuned to a specific element. The elementalist can switch between the different elements at will, giving them a total of four weapon sets they can switch between. GW2 Gold. The tradeoff is that each set of skills, while having a different purpose, still follows the general weapon theme (AoE/ranged/close combat).

Like other professions, the elementalist comes with its own set of unique skills. Glyphs mostly give passive bonuses for the element that an elementalist is attuned to. Conjure skills can summon weapons for both the elementalist and its allies, these weapons have their own unique skill bars. Cantrips give the elementalist additional survival. Auras provide a positive passive benefit to your character. Arcane skills are non-element magic based skills.