Conducted an interview with the creator of Guild Wars 2 Cloin famous foreign media MMORPG update the game on February interview around PvP new map, the Society of tasks, sPvP achievement system to introduce more people look forward to is the task of the AssociationAlthough there will not be the Association PK guild members to do the task set is sure to make everyone feel very love.
MMORPG: Let’s start from the living story. Where we will see the transition from January to February update? Steam coming out from the hills Farstrider opinion, not a good omen.
Cloin: February update from the whole outlook will continue to build a fundamental part of the whole story, provide more hints and plot development, and these will form the core content of the whole story slowly, in March and April plot will enter the climax. Those steam does not bode well for our team have found some clues, and others from the truth will not be too far away. Now, they just want to make sure in the end who is right. Guild Wars 2 story, this show by way of real-time narrative Tyria world will change slowly over time, and that Guild Wars 2 Gold will be the main theme in 2013. This time, let the real world would be enhanced, unique story line will be in place in the world to promote the story of Tyria. As you like drama, we hope that over time, In we extended our story, you do not want to miss the story as it develops or miss the experience of the role you like. Mining of the potential of these concepts and the real world, it is the things we have to do this year.