The database is synchronize with the official website

Well, understanding over the Wintersday, let’s look back the Lost Coast and Halloween. Lost Coast cause a unprecedented change to Tyria continent of Tyria.The new map – The Temple of the Silent Storm,a bate PVP map, brings PVP Championship tickets and honor as bonus, and it also adds to a new function to score, and therefore, PVP players are able to know their strength. New repetition – Fragments of the Mist, which unlike the original repetition of the underground city, much more difficulty. There is no transfer point, and no place to repair equipment. As the difficulty increases, the rewards will be more generous. In addition, the new species – karka, and Ascended Armors also belong to this event. The Lost Coast is a dynamic event, which lasted only three days .

According to the sequence, I’ll describe the Path 1 at first. There are four major Bosses and numerous mobs in this path. The difficult, which can not be conquer easily, is the emerging mobs. Each time the mobs appear in group, and the group is constituted by three ones. Now, let’s start our journey. In order to avoid being chased by the mobs, we have to find out safety area to hide. After practicing for several times, and learn experience from other players who are interested in take adventure, I have found two safety zones for my team. You can see from the picture below. Two areas marked by the red circles are the secure location. is a genuine customer-dedicated Guild Wars 2 Gold e-shop whose staffs not only strive for controlling the price to a minimum extent, but also try our best to improve our service quality, and offer as many as welfare to you. As for the new function, we just provide the detailed information for you through this exclusive page, so that you can know the related properties of different Guild Wars 2 Items, such as Guild Wars 2 Armor, Weapon, and many other things. We have made a classification of these items so that you can find the specific information you want to find out. The database is synchronize with the official website, therefore, you can set your mind at rest to refer to it. If you find that it is useful to you, please tell your friends, guildmates, and teammates about this store. We’ll appreciate to your kindly feedback.

When talking to Tixx, I want to say something about his spacecraft. It is so magic and mysterious so that I’m thirsty to take experience.Everyone have the opportunity to take. Tell you a truth, that is, there are a great deal of gifts falling down from heaven when Tixx taking his craft from this city to the next city. Moreover, there are a large amount of skins in the Black Lion’s Company.You can build a distinctive character with the special skin as long as you are of abundant Guild Wars 2 Gold. Of course, if you could not make yourself satisfied, you can enrich your inventory through