Charlie Adam’s incredible goal on FIFA 15
FIFA 15 News – Are you bored of talking about Charlie Adam’s wonderstike against Chelsea yet? If not, you’re about to be doubly impressed with this recent effort, visit for more FIFA 15 Guides and News, we will help you to be a good FIFA 15 player.
One skilled fan has taken everything to an entire new level by recreating Adam’s incredible 65 yard strike on computer game FIFA 15.
Inevitably Adam’s strike instantly drew comparisons to David Beckham’s effort against Wimbledon, Xabi Alonso against Newcastle, Wayne Rooney against West Ham and so on.
But thanks to one determined YouTuber Charlie Adam has managed to separate himself from the aforementioned group, the Scotsman has become a legend on FIFA 15.
We only described the creator of the clip as ‘determined’ because we imagine it must have taken absolutely AGES to recreate the goal.
If only you managed to get the robot celebration in there it would have been perfect, must try harder!