It would be a good idea to try and implement special attacks into the action bar in Runescape Gold

I thought it would be a good idea to try and implement special attacks into the action bar. I have given this a lot of thought, and I will explain why I think it is important and how it could possibly be implemented.About rs gold,If this has been suggested already and rejected, let me know. If you guys have any comments or additions, as well as constructive criticism I would love to hear it!

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Special attacks adds something unique to each weapon. For those who have ever played Pokemon on gameboy, you know that there are three basic elements – Fire, Water, and Grass. This is similar to our combat-triangle. Imagine if each Pokemon had the same attacks as every other Pokemon in it’s class – instead, there are different types of attacks with special effects and even graphics tied to each. click here.

So my idea was that the Ultimate Ability on an action bar would be reflective on what weapon was in use. For example, a rune 2h’s ultimate would be the same, but a rune scimitar duel wielded would have a different damage output and graphic attached. We could call it “Scimitar Slice” ( Just made it up as an example ).

The above is about the part of the Runescape Gold game.