Qualifying Points were a good baby step in Guild Wars 2

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I am starting to settle into my post launch routine with the game now. and with any settling you begin to notice some of the pain points a little more than before. You can see these things popping up in the community a little louder and with a little more crowd support as time goes on. There are clearly things ArenaNet hasn’t delivered on, and a few things they did deliver I wish they hadn’t.

The biggest failure with the launch of the game has been the almost non existent sPvP support. I really had high hopes for this game’s sPvP and I still think they can pull something off, but frankly that door is closing and it is closing fast.

The first thing I ever wrote for this site was about spectator mode and I’m simply baffled we don’t have one in game yet. Qualifying Points were a good baby step to keeping the bridge from burning completely. I’m suspecting ArenaNet will do a large marketing blitz when they launch some sPvP features, but time will tell how effective that will be in recapturing some of the buzz amongst competitive teams.

Guild Support is still lacking some features (last time logged in, anyone?), and I honestly think WvW is in a worse state now than it was at launch (no Orbs was a bad, bad move), but I’m optimistic those are moving in a good direction. WvW in particular seems to be getting some attention with the addition of Breakout Events. They are a band aid to a bigger issue, but are a nice addition nonetheless.

I’ll briefly mention Fractals of the Mist and Ascended Gear, but I think its pretty clear I really don’t like what they are doing to the end game at this time. The changes planned next month aren’t even going to address most of the issues I don’t think, so I hope there are some as of yet unannounced changes coming along with the monthly event in January. Possibly we’ll see Ascended Gear rolled out fully at that time, what a huge relief that would be.

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