To unlock the first tier of traits

To unlock the first tier of traits you will need to purchase the Adept’s Training Manual. This will allow you to spend up to 10 points in any of the 5 unique trait lines for your profession. As you can see in the image below, there are two additional trait tiers and associated training manuals you will need to purchase to unlock them at the appropriate levels which we’ll look at in more detail below.

Spending Trait Points

Now that you have the Adept trait tier unlocked, you can spend up to 10 points in any of the 5 trait lines for your profession. To do so, open your Hero window [H] and click on the Skills and Traits tab located on the left of the window. Clicking on “Traits” from the list of available options will open up the main traits screen, as shown below:

Your current total of unspent trait points will be displayed in the upper left corner of the window next to the hexagon icon. In our example image above, you can see this character has all 70 trait points unlocked and ready to spend.

Before you begin spending points, you will want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the 5 trait lines for your profession to get a better idea of how each will improve your character. Please note:

  • Each point spent will improve 2 Attributes associated with that trait line
  • 5 points spent in a single line will unlock a Minor trait
  • 10 points spent in a single line will unlock a Major trait