NBA 2K21 Dribbling Tips

Good dribbling can make you a better ball handler and aid when fighting off and faking out defenders. But dribbling is one of the most difficult skills to master in NBA 2K21.

Want to improve your MyPlayer’s dribbling in NBA 2K21? Here’s all that you need to know about dribbling tips that can help you out in big ways. You can 2k21 buy mt through us while enjoying low, preferential prices, timely delivery services, and 100% secure transactions. Now back to the text!

NBA 2K21 Dribbling

1. Use the right moves at the right time.

Dribbling is one of the most basic things you need to perform in NBA 2K21. But it can also mean the difference between being defended and crossing the defenders of the opponent team. Hence, it would help if you always used some great combo moves to get you past the defenders. Some of the best ones to use are:

Sprint: Hold right trigger and move the left analog stick in any direction
Triple Threat Pump Fake: Move the right analog stick down, and then quickly release.
Quick 1-to-1 dribble moves: Tap the RS.
Quick momentum dribble moves: Tap the RS with Sprint held.

2. Dribbling starts from the build.

To be a good dribbler in NBA 2K21, having a high ball-handle rating of at least 80 is arguably the most important first step. The easiest way to set this up is to select a pie chart with playmaking abilities (yellow) as one of the main attributes.

On top of having high playmaking abilities, speed and acceleration are other important physical attributes that a player needs to become a good dribbler in NBA 2K21. As a result, it is highly recommended that you choose a build with sufficient agility.

Essentially, setting up your build with these two criteria in mind gives your player a solid foundation to build upon to become an elite dribbler.

3. Being able to Speed Boost is key.

Speed Boost is another main feature that all great dribblers have in NBA 2K21. Not only does this make your player a lot harder to guard one-on-one, but it helps to create the double team and odd-man situations. In fact, most good Pro-Am teams in 2K21 have at least one or two great ball-handlers with the ability to Speed Boost.

4. Size-up on your team.

Using a signature size-up by holding the RS up can easily get you some points. With size-ups, your players will perform some quick dribbling moves making the defenders come close to them. This can leave space to pass the ball to your teammate or rim the ball through the defenders and score.

5. Oversee your opponent.

There are a few reasons why you need to oversee the opposition when dribbling the ball.

First off, gauging the distance between the ball-handler and the defender will help give you a good idea of what type of dribbling move you should utilize.

Also, watching the opposition can give you a good idea of what that player likes to do. If you see that the opponent likes to play close to the ball-handler every time, try various dribbling maneuvers to shake off the defender. If one works, keep that in mind and then see if the opposition plays the same way again. Only this time, your know-how will have a way to beat the match-up easily.

6. Be responsible when dribbling.

While making fancy dribbling moves can look guide, be mindful that you need to be responsible when dribbling the ball. Making a poor decision with the ball could lead to a turnover and the opponent going the other way with the basketball.

Try to limit the moves you use in NBA 2K21, and don’t make the same move on every occasion so that the opponent doesn’t expect the same move every time.

Also, keep your options. Using a spin or a stutter is not the only way you can beat the opponent. The good ball movement can also be an effective tool for shaking things loose and getting players’ options.

7. Best badges for a dribbling build.

Equipping your player with the right badges is an important feature. These are the best playmaking badges that we recommend:

• Quick First Step
• Tight Handles
• Unpluckable
• Handles for Days

Having these badges to at least a silver grade – HoF if possible – is recommended to see optimal results.

8. Making use of the Dribble Packages.

Dribble packages are another key component that many 2K players equip to elevate their game to the next level.

That’s all of our NBA 2K21 dribbling tips that are possible to make you become a dribble god. Also, you can click here to view other NBA 2K21 guides, such as NBA 2K21 shooting, dribbling, and jump shot guides.