ArcheAge Gold is important in ArcheAge,many gamers want to buy cheap ArcheAge Gold from some gold sellers. But you not really to buy, you can earn some ArcheAge Gold in the game. You can buy anything you want, such as high tier weapons, armor, and vehicles.
Trade Packs
Trade Packs are THE way to get gold in ArcheAge. Available from level 10, a quest will pop up guiding you through the process of creating and delivering your first trade pack. Basically, there are specialties specific to a region that you can deliver to Gold Traders on your continent (you may also deliver them to other continents for Gilda Stars and crafting materials). The only rule is that you cannot deliver the specialties in the region where they were crafted. And while you may be tempted to deliver them to the closest Gold Trader available in other regions, it is also good to note that the further you travel to sell the trade pack, the more Gold you will earn. To be precise, selling the trade pack to a Gold Trader that is only a region away will get you around 3 Gold and 50 Silvers, while selling it to one that is 4 regions away will net you around 6 Gold and 50 Silvers.
Sell Trade Packs Materials
If you don’t feel like going through the long process of creating and delivering a trade pack, you can simply grow and gather the materials required to create one, and sell them in an Auction House, or by sending a request out in the Trade chat if you aren’t a Patron. Not being a Patron may also cause some problems in growing your crops, but that’s nothing an illegal farm can’t solve (below is a screenshot of my illegal potato farm, with 300+ plants).
Complete Quests
While the monetary rewards for individual quests may seem trivial, in the long term they can be a decent source of income. Moreover, monsters that you kill to complete quests also have a chance of dropping a Coinpurse. Requiring labor to be opened, Coinpurses contain a random amount of silvers and, in rare cases, valuable crafting materials.
Thievery and Piracy
If you don’t feel like working for your own Gold, you can also steal the property of other players. Illegal farms being unprotected, players can loot them at will, uprooting the trees for a chance of getting a sapling, or waiting for them to be ready to harvest them. They can also attack and loot players carrying a trade pack in the PvP zones or at sea. Just be ready to be put on trial and spent a good time in jail, the Jury doesn’t exactly like uprooters or players that attack their own faction.