Attention ! EA servers down for FIFA 15 today

At the time of writing, it looks like EA servers are down today and you may not like the reason why. We have checked online and once again, LizardSquad are claiming responsibility by boasting that EA servers are offline for the likes of FIFA 15, Battlefield 4 and Madden NFL 15.

We have just checked our own FIFA 15 game and can confirm that EA servers for FIFA 15 are not working on December 10 at the moment not including FIFA 15 coins . EA has yet to respond to this, but hopefully they will be able to counter the ‘EA servers hacked’ claims that we are seeing on social media at the moment.

After managing to take down the PSN and Xbox Live recently, it’s difficult to imagine when LizardSquad are going to be arrested and made to pay for their crimes.


At the moment though, it just keeps happening time and time again and it must be very frustrating for a lot of you. We haven’t tried Madden ourselves, but reports on Twitter suggest that all EA games have been hit, so obviously Madden NFL 15 servers will be down as well – FIFA 15, Battlefield 4 Madden will be the three most played EA games at the moment.

Give us your status at the moment, as we look for further answers. Are the EA servers down on FIFA 15 and Madden NFL 15 for you at the moment, in your area?